Eljer 5540 Tank Repair Kit • Cheap Toilet Tank Lids Skip to main content

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Eljer 5540 Tank Repair Kit

Eljer 5540 Tank Repair Kit

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Manufacturer: Eljer
Tank P/N: 5540 Porcelain Overflow Tank (Touch Flush Tank)


This is a kit which contains all of the items you may need to repair an Eljer 5540 toilet tank. All parts are brand new and designed to work with this specific tank. You will receive:

  • Flush Valve Kit
  • Fill Valve 
  • Flapper
  • Trip Lever
  • Tank-to-Bowl rubber gasket

The tank and lid are available separately, and are NOT included with this kit. This is strictly repair items. The parts you receive may look differently than the ones in the photo, but are designed to work specifically with the 5540 Eljer tank. Toilet part manufacturers frequently change the internal parts for their toilets so what is inside your tank may look different, but this set is designed to function inside the tank numbers listed. 

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